4 Ways To Style Your Floral Prints So They Always Look Fresh!

How to wear floral luxury consignmentEach year we get ready for yet another few months of summer soirees, beach house shares and outdoor activities all while thinking what can we possibly wear. Good news is that florals will always stick around to bring on the heat but this year there are 4 new ways to wear them so your flowers are always looking fresh.
August 03, 2016 — Dara Sayet

Comfortable Luxury Shoes For Less

Springtime means April showers, blossoming flowers, and an awesome excuse to stock up on new designer shoes! As much as we love a stiletto, our busy, active lives demand that...
April 03, 2016 — Megan Ksionda

5 Best Pieces To Transition From Winter to Spring

transition from winter to springWondering how to flawlessly transition from Winter to Spring? We've got the 5 key pieces you'll need to stay fresh and chic as the weather gets warmer!
March 22, 2016 — Katherine Welborn

It's Time for Colorful Spring Handbags!

Every sophisticated fashionista knows she can't live without her staple navy, black and brown handbags, but she also knows that when Spring comes, she can break out her favorite bold and bright handbags! And...
March 18, 2016 — Megan Ksionda

Designer Looks we Love This week: 03.14.16

outfits designer luxury consignment We don't know what the weather has been like in your neck of the woods but New York City is getting an early taste of Spring! We had temperatures up in the mid 70's last week! This warm weather has us loving designer floral dresses, brightly colored luxury spring coats and bright printed jackets and tops! Check out how we've styled a few of our favorite luxury consignment looks this week!
March 14, 2016 — Megan Ksionda

Living the Luxury Lifestyle

A luxury handbag has superhero powers. Seriously, you can take just about any outfit, and when you're carrying a high end bag... Kapow!... you transform your look. I've seen it...
February 16, 2016 — Tamara Gates

Handbag Porn!

Handbag PornWe're drooling over these luxury designer handbags.  Every one of them is currently listed at Michael's Consignment Online.
January 30, 2016 — Tamara Gates

Designer Looks We Love this Week 11.02.15

Our looks this week scream fall.  As we've said in previous posts, investing in a coat is a great investment.  Think about it, how many times do you pull on your coat in the winter?  Every day is right!  Investing in a great coat is well worth it.  Find more great looks this week here.
November 02, 2015 — Megan Ksionda